
Responsible for content:


Gd Hôtel Bella Tola & St-Luc

Route Principale 8
CH-3961 St-Luc


We strive to provide accurate and current. The content has been carefully compiled. However, errors may occur. Authors and publishers assume no responsibility for the accuracy, reliability , completeness or suitability of the information . The use of the website and the information it contains is at your own risk. Changes can be made at any time.


Design & programming:

Susan Horvath creates inspiring designs to bring your content to life. A self-employed graphic and web designer, she offers a wide range of services in the fields of web design, corporate design and traditional media.

We design professional, tailor-made websites which offer a user-friendly experience and comply with all the latest standards. As well as getting your website online, we also provide long-term support to keep things running smoothly.